Stop the Route 17 Boondoggle
Stop Subsidizing Pollution
Senator Schumer and a coalition of corporate lobbyists want taxpayers to spend One Billion Dollars on a highway expansion in Orange and Sullivan counties that recent studies and transportation professionals say is not needed. A wider highway will actually lead to a greater concentration of traffic during peak times. That means more cars on the road, and more traffic in our communities, destroying the places we love.
Some of the Earth's greatest landscapes have been destroyed by road and highway construction. More highway lanes means more traffic and more pollution. This also leads to exploitative development that transforms forests and native ecosystems into strip malls, parking lots and subdivisions. Find out how you can save the Catskills from this fate.
Instead of subsidizing pollution, why not save taxpayers money, and instead invest in lower-cost transportation options that reduce pollution, improve public health. and protect resources? According to the DOT, there is no traffic congestion more than 99% of the time on this section of Route 17. Instead of dumping $1 billion on this project, we should be fixing our existing local roads and bridges, and investing in other transportation options. Stay tuned for our alternative proposal for the region.
More to come!